Student Services
Olentangy Liberty High School Student Services offers a variety of services for our community.
Olentangy Liberty High School has five guidance counselors located in Student Services. Our goal is to provide students with the tools they need to be thriving and successful in the classroom and their communities. We provide academic counseling, including assistance with course scheduling, college/career selection and planning, academic assistance, and more. We are also available to assist students with social and emotional needs.
You will find our Guidance Corner site under the Course tab in Schoology.
- Log on to your myOLSD account:
- Click on Schoology
- At the top, click "Courses"
- Under "Courses", click "Guidance Corner: OLHS"
If you have not already created your Schoology account, please Click Here
Mrs. Sara Fisher and Mrs. Kelly Kelley manage the school clinic. Both are available to help students with emergency medical needs, ongoing medical issues, and to provide support and education for health related issues.
Our Student Services secretaries, Mrs. Danielle Pickard and Mrs. Cyndie Salupo, are available to assist students and parents with a number of tasks, including providing information for college placement tests (SAT, ACT, etc.), requesting high school transcripts, processing student fee payments, and using a variety of available college and career resources.
Attendance secretary, Mrs. Laurie Sallows, is also available in the attendance office to assist students with daily attendance, homework collection in the event of extended absences, college visits, and other classroom attendance related issues.
A number of resources are provided on this web site and are updated regularly. Please contact (740) 657-4215 for assistance with any Student Services function.
Guidance Counselors
Zach Miller
Students A-Da
Phone: (740) 657-4228
Jill McGrew
Students Db-H
Phone: (740) 657-4268
Sammi Frobose
Students I-Mn
Phone: (740) 657-4216
Brittany Vallier
Students Mo-Sc
Phone: (740) 657-4231
Bobbie Sisko
Students Sd-Z
Phone: (740) 657-4218
Danielle Pickard
Phone: (740) 657-4215
Cyndie Salupo
Phone: (740) 657-4221
Attendance Secretary
Laurie Sallows
Phone: (740) 657-4230
Clinic Services
Sara Fisher, BSN, RN
Phone: (740) 657-4220
Kelly Kelley, RN, Aide
Phone: (740) 657-4225
Important Numbers
Fax: (740) 657-4298